
Yn ddweud hwyl fawr wrth Yr Almaen, ac Helo i Gymru:D

Heute war sehr interessant in der Schule! Der hatte keine korrekte Lektionen, wir badminton in Sport gespielt und wir film zuschauen in den anderen Lektionen! 

Roedd heddi yn diddorol iawn yn yr ysgol! Roedd y ddisgyblion yn gwneud unrhywbeth roedden eisiau yn rhai o'r wersi, ac mewn rhai eraill yr oedden yn gwilio filmiau! Yn addysg gorfforol yr roeddwn yn chwarae badminton, ac yn ar ail gwers roedden ni (Mal, Will, Sion J ac fi) yn siarad gyda'r plant blwyddyn 5, yr oedden wedi gofyn cwesitiyna.. uhh.. wahanol iawn! Cyn y buffet heno efallai y bwddwn yn mynd Golffio Mini yn ddibynnu ar y tywydd! Rydw i ddal angen pacioD:   
Rwy'n casau pacio!!!! Hwyl fawr pobl, ac byddwn yn gweld pawb yng Nghymru yfori:D

Today was very interesting! The pupils were aloud to do mostly what they wanted, for example at the start of  one of the lessons, a girl started to straiten her hair by the classroom door, and when the teacher came in he started to laugh! It was funny but I can't imagine anybody doing that in our school!!! We had double p.e in the morning, where we played badminton, but the second lesson i was chosen to speak with the year 5 pupils (age 10-12), they asked many questions and we answered them (Mali, Will, Sion J and I), it was quiete fun! This evening we might go to play Mini Golff, depending on the weather! Unfortunatly i still have not packed, so I will need to do that before going anywhere!! Anwhoo, I shall see everybody at home tomorrow, and everybody here in Germany later on:D:D Babyeee<3



1 comment:

person wych said...

:D blog neis iawn haz. gweld ti fori sis xxx cariad a swsis, phoebe! ;)