
Heute wir in der weinberg gegangen mit herr Siebert. Es war sehr heiß, und die Wanderung war sehr lange, aber der Traubensaft schmekt sehr gut. Wir brezel essen und wir ein PowerPoint über der Vollernter sehen. Nach kommen zu Charlottes haus, wir zu ein Disko gehen. Der Disko war ziemlich langwielig, aber es war gut meine Freunde zu sehen :) Nach der Disko, ich habe ein McFlurry gegessen, es schmekt sehr gut!
Heddiw aethon ni am daith cerdded yn y winllan gyda Mr. Siebert. Roedd hi'n boeth iawn ac roedd y dro yn hir, ond roedd y sudd grawnwin yn flasus iawn. Bwyton ni fara tra roedden ni yn yfed y sudd, ac gwelon ni sioe PowerPoint am sut mae'r sudd yn cael ei wneud. Ar ol cyrraedd yn ol i dy Charlotte, aethon ni i ddisgo. Roedd y ddisgo yn eithaf diflas ond roedd hi'n neis cael gweld pawb :)
Ar ol y disgo cefais i McFlurry, roedd hynny'n flasus iawn!

Today we went on a tour of the vinyard with Mr. Siebert. It was very hot and we had to walk for a very long time, but the grape juice was very tasty. We ate bread and we smelt some wine, then we watched a powerpoint show about how the wine was made. After arriving back at Charlotte's house we went to the disco. The disco was quite boring, but it was nice to see everybody :) After the disco I had a McFlurry, which was very tasty :)


Michelle G Richards said...

Hiya Taegan ((waves)) glad you enjoyed the wine tour, your 2 sisters did when they visited Grundstadt too. Amy is looking forward to the grape juice !! McFlurries in Germany lol, Daniel visited the Imperial war museum in London with St Barucs today, he is so excited for his birthday on Wednesday when you are home :-) Matthew is trying to crawl but ends up going backwards !! I hope you enjoy your day at school tomorrow and don't forget to take your travel sickness pills for the journey home. The house has been far too quiet without you and Charlotte. Can't wait to see you Loads love mum, dad, Amy, Daniel, Liam and Matthew xx

Ceri Anwen James said...

Mae'n amlwg dy fod yn cael amser da, Taegan! Falch dy fod wedi mwynhau'r sudd grawnwin

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