
Heute war sehr interessant. Wir Wanderung auf der Wineberg. Îch habe Traubensaft getrunken , und ich habe Brezel gegessen. Es war prima. Ich habe der Vollerternter gesehen, und ich habe zwei Flachsen wein gekauft. Der Besucht war gud!
Heute Abend haben wir Pizza und Disgothek. Es wird fantastisch.

Cysgais i yn dda neithiwr, Roedd heddiw yn diddorol iawn. Aethom ni i'r winllan, roedden ni wedi cerdded lawer. roedd e yn ddiddorol iawn gweld pa mor galed yw gwiethio mewn winllan, mae'n cymrud 3 mlynedd i'r grawnwyn dechrau tyfu! Cafon ni sudd grawnwyn hyfrud, ac gwelon ni peiriant casglu granwin Mr Siebert. Roedd Mr Siebert a'i wraig yn neis iawn. Roedd Mrs Diebert wedi pobi bara i ni hefyd, roedd hwna yn blasus iawn. Mewn tua hanner awr mae fi a Felicitas yn mynd draw ty Marie a Hawys, gyde Cerren a'i phartner hi Tina, i chwarae ar singstarr. Yna byddwn yn newid ac yn paratoi ar gyfer Pizza a Disgo heno. Byddaf yn cael hwyl rwy'n siwr. Yfor byddwn yn ymweld a'r reptiliwm, gobeithio na fyden ni yn cerdded!

Last night I had a great night's sleep, there was a thunderstorm, but I managed to sleep though it.
Today was very intressting, we visited Mr Siebert's vineyard. We had to walk there and back and through the vineyard, it was very tiring , but we still enjoyed. It was very intressting to se just how much work working in a vineyard is, it takes 3 years just for the grapes to start growing! After walking through the vineyard, we went back to Mr Sieberts house, and his wife had made us some lovely bread, and we had some grapejuice, we also had a chance to smell wine, and I also bought some wine for my parents. After the grape juice and bread we went to see Mr Sieberts grapecollecter, it is very big! Then we went down to the celler and saw some wine barrels. In about half an hour, me and Felicitas are going over Marie and Hawys' with Cerren and Tina (her partner) , to play singstar, im sure it will be very good. Then later on this evening we have to go back to the school to have some pizza and then go to a disgo.
Tomorrow we are going to visit the Reptiliwm. I hope we dont have to walk as much!

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