Heute bin ich mitt dem bus nach das Reptilium gefahren. es war sehr sehr warm.In dem Reptilium habe ich eine Spinne,einen Frosch,einen Gekko,eine Schlange gesehen.ich habe eine Schildkröte, eine Schlange angefasst,die Haut runzelig. Ich mag und eine Schildkröte.. Tschüss..
Helo. Heddiw wnaethon fynd i'r Reptilium ac roedd yn ddiddorol iawn. Wnes i cyffwrdd a Neidr a Crwban, Roedd nhw'n teimlo'n garw. Roedd e'n boeth iawn yn y Reptilium ac ar y Bws. Ar ol ysgolo aethon i nofio efo Theresa Lauren ac Nina ac yno wnaethon cwrdd a llawer o partneriaid ac yr oedd yn hwyl felly byddwn yn fynd yno eto yfory efo Theresa Lauren Nina Beth ac Susi, ac yno byddwn yn cwrdd a Ffion ac Jana i creu Pizza. Hwyl am nawr, Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at yfory, Caru chi teulu !
Hello, Today at the Reptilium I touched a Snake and a Tortoise, They were so cute! We had a guided tour with Corinna,She was very nice and understood our english. After Theresa finished school we then went swimming with Lauren and Nina and met loads of other friends from Wales and Germany, It was outside and so much fun. tommorow we will go again. When i went to my bag after swimming I found a MASSIVE spider in my bag and it was so scary so Lauren and Theresa had to get it out for me! Tonight Lauren and Nina are sleeping over and it will be so much fun! Tommorow after swimming Theresa says Me her Ffion and Jana will make Pizza wich should be a laugh.
Me and Lauren Duddridge have had a right old laugh at one funny guy, can you guess? :) So thanks for reading, love you xx
Noswaith da Molly!!!! mor falch dy fod wedi blodio o'r diwedd, rwy wedi bod yn aros trwy's dydd, gobeithia fod dy Almaeneg yn well fy nghymraeg!!!! Miss you loads, the house is so quiet and it's nice to have everyone eating what I put in front of them without moaning!!!!!! Who have you and Lauren been laughing at then????? We've not long come back from Cosmeston where we met Sian and Harri, I was telling Ha how much fun you're having...... as he is going next year. How is the food there, hopefully you'll come back and appreciate my culinary skills after all!!!!! Miss you so much. Can't wait to see you on Tuesday.... love you all the world Mum, Beth and Niamh, ps what did you do with the spider????
Thjeresa got the spider for me, talk later mum, love you loads xx
Hi Molly tried to phone you yet again today with no answer and txt you = but no answer! so I guess that I will see you when you get back x love you loads Dad xx have fun x
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