
Heute bin ich mit meinen freunden in dem bus gefahren. Es war sehr Langweilig! Ich habe nicht geschlafen denn ich war sehr aufgeregt. Ich habe zwei cola getrunken auch habe ich sechs pan au chocolat gegessen. Ich bin mit Joshua in dem Auto gefahren es war aufregend. Heute Abend habe ich mit Joshua, Harri und Immanuel ein eis in dem eiscafe gegessen. Es war lecker.

Heddiw parheuon ni ein taith eliffantaidd i Grünstadt. Cysgais i bron dim a'r y bws neu'r Fferry. Aroglodd yr bws o llosin y bore yma felly mi roedd hyni wedi ei werthfarogi yn fawr ond erbyn naw o'r gloch wnaeth y llosin cael ei fwyta ac wnaeth hyni newid arogl y bws yn llwyr. Nid oedd yna arogl o llosin ar y bws ond arogl erchyll naturiol yn llisgo trwy bws. Mi roedd hi'n arogli fel hanner yn chwys ac yr arall fel byrpiau, nid arogl neis iawn. Ym mhen yr 17 a hanner taith mi roeddwn i yn wrth fy modd yn cami arno i tir. Ar ol llun gyda'r holl Almaenwyr a'r holl Gymry es i ol fy pethau o'r bws ac es i Gyda Joshua a'i fam i'w Ty yn Sausenheim. Mae Sausemheim yn ardael pert iawn o'r byd. Mae'r holl Winllannau yn ymesyn i'r big y brin. Mae'n un o' olygfeydd mwyaf prydferth dwi erioed'di weld. Bydd Nana a Dad cu yn caru y olygfa yma. Wnesi fynd trwy'r winllannau gyda Joshua, Harri a Immannuel i fewn i Grünstadt i cael hgufen ia. Cefais i un siocled ac mi roedd yn hyfryd. Heno gefais i tatws gyda Saumagen a Bratwurst ac mi roedd yn neis dros ben!

Today we continued our very long trip to Grünstadt. I was one of a few who barely slept at all. The bus initially smelt of a sweet shop which I was very greatful about, but my luck was changed as the smell of sweets had disapered by nine o'clock it was replaced by a mixed smell of sweat and burps. Eventually after a mear 17 an a half hour journey I was unbelievably greatful to be able to place my feet ond solid soil and breath in the fresh Grünstadtion air. After the big picture with all the Germans and Welsh partners i retrieved my stuff from the bus and headed off to Sausenheim with Joshua and his Mother. Sausenheim is a very pretty village with some of the bested views in th world. The Vineyards are srtreched accross the hills and they strech of into the horizon. Nana and Dad cu would love this view and there are acres of vineyard in which they would love walking through. Tonight I went through the Vineyard with Joshua, Harri and Imannuel to Grünstadt to have a Ice cream, I had a chocolate one it was very nice. I had a very delicious meal with Joshua's family which was potatoes with Saumagen and Bratwurst!
Yes Mum you heard right I did actually like the food!
Tschüß! Gute Nacht!
Hwyl fawr! Nos Da!
Goodbye and goodnight!
Lewis and Joshua


Oliver Harrison said...

Nice blog, but spelling woeful. Say hello to Joshua from all of us. Glad to hear that you enjoyed your tea. Any suggestions for the fantasy world cup team, entry by Friday! Keep blogging, pictures would be great. Borrow a lead or read memory card straight from the computer. Love you lots M & D

Ceri Anwen James said...

Gwaith da Lewis
Da iawn ti ...
Rwy'n hynod o falch dy fod yn hoffi'r golygfeydd yma
Yfory fe gei di fwy o gyfle i ysgrifennu yn Almaeneg
COFIA ddarllen yn ofalus dros dy waith cyn ei gyhoeddi i'r byd!

Nana and Dadcu said...

Glad you've arrived safely and are enjoying the views. We will watch your blog with eager anticipation.

Da iawn Lewis - dal ati!

Julie Yapp said...

Very impressive blogging ! I love it ! Well done keep it up!

Oliver Harrison said...

Do you agree this fantasy world cup team:-

from dad