
Heute bin ich mit dem bus nach das Reptilium gefahren. Das Reptilium war sehr informativ aber schwül. Ich habe Schlangen, Spinnen, Wasserschildkröten, Eidechsen und Shildkröten gesehen und eine Eidechse, eine Shildkröte und eine Shlange angefasst! Es war total spitze! Die Führerin war sehr freundlich und nett!

Heddiw es i i'r Reptilium mwyaf yn Yr Almaen! Roedd hi mor boeth ond dysgais llawer am nifer o ymlusgiaid yn cynnwys nadroedd, crwbanod y mor, crwbanod a madfall a wnes i gyffwrdd a madfall, crwban a neidr! Roedd y tywysydd mor neis! Doedd y pwll awyr agored ddim agor heddiw oherwydd lawiodd dros nos ond daeth Tina a Cerren draw yn lle! :)

Today the bus took us to the biggest Reptilium in German. It was so hot but I learnt alot about many different reptiles such as snakes, turtles, lizards and tortoises and I touched a snake, a turtle and a lizard! Some of the reptiles were poisoness so ofcourse, I didn't touch them! The guide was so cool! she had so many piercings and tatoos and was very passionate about the animals. It rained last night so the open air swimmingpool wasn't open, but instead Cerren and Tina came round! It was lots of fun! :)

1 comment:

dorothy connell said...

rowan's dictionary:
poisoness - a female poisoner

eponymess - female who can't tie her hair back

androgyness - female androgyn (very confusing)

disastress - female disaster

lovely weather here too. just done yet another wedding and off with dad and cal to a barn dance at the farm tonight.
enjoy yourself, it's later than you think...

...see you tuesday.
yours aye.