Heute habe ich mit die schule das weinberg besucht. Es war sehr interessant. Ich habe mit Joshua, Rhys und Mannuel, Conner und Ben, Callum und Peer, Rhodri und seinen partner, Elis und Didi und Tom und Gunnar in dem Freibad geschwommen, es war total spitze! Joshua hat zwei hunde, Sie heißen Barney und Luna. Barmey ist so groß wie ein kleines Pferd. Heute abend habe ich fußball in der disco gespielt es war sehr lustig. Die Walisier haben gegen die Deutschen gespielt, Leider hat Deutschland gewonnen, es war nicht so gut.
Heddiw wnaethon ni ymweld a winllan yn Sausenheim sydd yn perchen a Mr Siebert. Cerddon ni o gwympas y gwinllan am tua 2 awr a hanner. Fe dysgais i llawer amdano y fordd maent yn creu y Win mi roedd yn ddiddorol iawn. Ar ol cerdded o gwympas y winllan aethon ni i ty Mr Siebert yn Sausenheim lle wnaethon ni yfed llawer o sudd grawnwin roedd hyni yn blasus iawn. Wnaethon ni cael arogli y win oedd ar gael ond wnaeth Miss Evans cadw llygaid barcud arnynt i atal ni rhag ei yfed. Ar ol y trip es i gyda Joshua, Rhys a Mannuel ac llawer o pobl eraill. Roedd y pwll yn awyr agored ac roedd un yn poeth ac y llall mor oer a rhew. Gwarion ni tua 3 awr fyna cyn es i hefo Joshua i weld ei man ymarfer codi pwysau. Wnaethon ni edrych o gwympas y lle ac yna gefais y siawns i codi pwysau ac fe codais tua 40 Kg (edrychwch yn fy lluniau). Heno mi roedd yna disco ond ni oedd yna llawer o pobl tu fewn wnaethon ni chwarae gem o pel-droed Cymru yn erbyn Yr Almaen ac yn anffodus wnaeth hanes ail adrodd ei hun ac wnaeth Yr Almaen ennill. Yr unig dawns wnaeth pawb dawnsio i oedd Flieger gan Tim Troupet mi roedd hyni yn ddoniol.
Today we went to the Vineyard and we walked around for about 2 hours and learnt lots of facts about wine and the process of its making. This was very interressting, obviously I new it all after watching Oz and James Great Wine Adventures. After the walk we went to Mr Sieberts house were we learnt about the wines making and how they react in different conditions this was very interressting too. Miss James had to Translate for us so we could understand it. We tried lots of grapejuice it was lovley. We also had to smell the wine and say what we could smell so I already had my technique perfected from Oz and James so i could do this. We all wanted to try some but Miss Evans was Keeping a very close eye on us so we saddley could not. This afternoon we went swimming with the names listed above and it was very fun. We stayed mostley in the could pool in sted of the warm pool for some unknown reason. The sun was shimmering accross the outside pools. We were at the pool for over 3 hours but it was ver fun!In the pool there were some German girls that were there and they were asking the welsh people their names and This Girl When to Elis "What is your name?" Elis said "Elis" the girl whent very excited and said "Oh Elis in Wonder land" this was very funny! After the pool we went to were Joshua does his Weightlifting and he showed me the... Stuff. I was then scouted and was asked to lift some weights. I lifted 40Kg (see the pictures) Tonight we had a disco but everyone played football outside in stead of dansing. We had a Wales V Germany Game and saddly history stayed strong and Germany won. The only song everybody danced to was Flieger by Tim Troupe this was the funniest thing i've everseen.
Hi Mum and Dad i was homesick last night so I phoned Miss James and I felt a lot better. We did have a massive lightning storm last night it was really exciting. Nana and Dad cu I have some pictures of the Vineyard for you and I have bought you your Dry White and Dad I bought your Dry White and yes Oli I did get you the Grapejuice the whitone. (If u want to facebook me tell me in your comments)
Tschüß und Gute Nach!
Hwyl fawr ac Nos Da!
Goodbye and Goodnight
Ymdrech arbennig iawn heno Lewis. Rwyt ti'n ysgrifennu'n ddiddorol iawn. Da iawn ti.
Sgwn i beth fydd ymateb Mam am y sillafu Saesneg heno??!
cold / could yn bach o shocker!
Ddim yn credu bo'r codi pwysau ar yr asesiad risg ...
O.N. Gobeithio bo Oli'n adolygu'n galed ...
Sound as though you have had a good day, LOL about Elis in wonderland. When you come home we must work on your spelling, but apart from that it was great to read. Very impressed by weight lifting, if slightly suspicious. Very tiring here checking the blog every 2 hours to see if you have written anything. Really must get a life. Did you read Dad's comment with proposed fantasy football team? Read it and respond. If you want to chat on facebook you tell us when, as I said I check the blog very regularly. Keep having fun and doing the fantastic blogs, Love Mum
You are really making me lol Lewis ! Keep it up ! X don't worry about the spelling , I'd rather you blog like this than not at all !! X
helo Lewis,
diolch am eich sylwadau caredig ddoe am fy mlog. Fe wnes i mwynhau darllen dy flog.
Roeddwn yn hoffi´r ffordd roeddech yn disgrifio´r pethau wnaethoch yn ystod y dydd, roedd yn doniol yn rhannau.
Roeddwn yn hoffi eich neges i´ch teulu ar y diwedd.
Ac roeddwn hefyd yn hoffi´r ffordd wnaethoch cynnwys lluniau yn eich blog.
Er mwyn gwella gallech gwella ar eich sillafu tipyn, ond rwyf dim ond yn dweud hyn oherwydd gallaf ddim meddwl am unrhyw beth arall!
gweld chi fory!
Bore da Lewis
Good news about the wine but the weight lifting actiities seem a little out of character - but try anything once. Did you hear that maxi was sick in uncle Nev's car - Oh Dear!
In the unlikely event that someone might mention your spelling, treat it as pedantry.
The Oldies
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