
Heute war fantasisch! Das Museum war sehr interessant. ICH LIEBE SHOPPEN! Ich habe tasche und armband gekauft. Mannhein ist echt super und sehr groß. In der Stadt fahren Straßenbahnen, die straßen sind sehr gefährlich. Ich finde Mannhein war total spitze. Dann heute habe ich eis mit Alisia, Jess, Yaren, Emily und Ann gegessen. Eis ist prima! Wir in der fußgängerzone gespielt. Es war lustig. Ich bin gespannt auf morgen! Danke.

Roedd bore ma yn ddiflas - rydw i'n ffeindio Museum's mewn saesneg yn ddigon ddiflas ac wedyn i cael e yn almaeneg ble dydw i ddim yn ddeall unrhywbeth! Ond roedd hynny ddim on y bore gan bod y prynhawn yn gret! Rwyn caru siopa a gwastraffu arian, mae'n gymaint o hwyl! Ar ol Mannhein es i a rhai o'r merched eraill am hufen ia yn dref Grünstadt.

Today was very differant! The first thing we did was go to a museum! I Hate museums! They are soooo boring. Especially when i dont understand a word they are saying. I was just smiling and nodding:) But then in the afternoon it was really cool because we went shopping! I love shopping and spending money on things i dont evan need but just buy for the sake of buying it. I bought usefull things today though;) After having a fantastic time shopping Me and some of the girls went for a ice cream down in the town, then we just hung about for bit. Tomorrow i am watching Alisia play hockey, i hope she wins!

Ohh My God! Mum you blogged!!:L How was the presentation? And you better be recording the Big Brother Series, apparently there is a Beyonce look-alike. I love and miss you all! And sorry for lack of texts, theres never any signal around here!

Frankie X


The Hartland tribe said...

hello sweet pea.we r all missing u b good and dont buy worthless c--p enjoy ur german experience xxxx

Oliver Harrison said...

Language Mrs Hartland!!! I knew I should not have taught you to use the machine.