

Hallo! Heute war fantastisch! Ich habe die Technikmuseum besuchen. Es war sehr interessant und ich habe Papiere gemacht! Dann, habe ich in Manheim gekauft, es war prima und ich habe ein Eis Schokolade und Caramel, es war sehr lecker! Ich habe H&M und New Yorker gesehen! Ich liebe die Kleidung in H&M et ich habe ein neu Kleid gekauft, es ist schön! Dann, habe ich in Grünstadt mit Doreen und Dani gekauft auch! Manhaim ist besser alt Grünstadt aber Grünstadt ist gut auch! Morgen, werde ich in Ludwigshafen kegeln. Es wird toll!
Phoebe ;)

Helo! Roedd y disgo neithiwr yn hwyl iawn- roeddwn yn dawnsio gyda Robin, Doreen, Dani, Anica, Rebecca und Selin! Bwytais Pizza hefyd, roedd e´n blasus ond bach yn oer! Roedd heddiw´n fantastig! Aeth pawb i´r "Technikmuseum" sef amgueddfa mawr yn debyg i Techniquest yn Caerdydd. Roedd
e´n diddorol iawn ac
gwnes i darn o babur! Ar ol hyn edrychon rownd yr amgueddfa, roedd nifer o weithgareddoedd yna i wneud. Fy hoff beth i oedd yr olwyn mawr roedd rhaid i chi troi drwy gerdded ynddo! Roedd Meg T yn ddoniol iawn yn gwneud hyn. Ar ol hynny aethon i Manheim, sef dref mawr gyda llawer o siopau. Es i i H&M a New Yorker. Roedd llawer o ddillad neis yn H&M a prynais froc yno. Gafon McDonalds a hufen ia! Mmmm! Wedyn, es i gyda Elen Doreen a Dani i siopa eto yn Grünstadt. Does dim gymaint o siopau yno ond roedd e dal yn hwyl- prynais sgyrt! Ni
brynodd Elen dim byd, druan a hi! Yfori rydyn yn bowlio yn Ludwigshafen. Bydd e´n gret ond sain meddwl fy mod yn mynd i ennill!
Cariad Phoebe x

Hey! Day three today and this morning I was shattered because of the disco last night! It was fabtastic and I danced loads with Dani, Doreen, Robin, Anica, Selin and Rebecca! We had pizza too which was
nice but a bit cold! Today was great! We went to the "Technikmuseum" which is like Techniquest in Cardiff. It was interesting and we made paper! Afterwards we had a go at all of the activities! My favourite was the huge wheel which your walked in to make it spin! Meg T was very funny on this! Then we went to Manheim to shop. Elen, Doreen, Danica and I went into H&M and New Yotrker. The clothes in H&M were lovely so I bought a dress! I also had McDonalds and a Chocola
te and Caramel Ice-Cream! Mmmmm! We then went shopping again in Grünstadt. There were less shops there but I still managed to buy a skirt! Elen bought nothing, bless her! Tomorrow Doreen and Dani are taking us bowling in Ludwigshafen! It will be fun but I don´t think I´ll win!

See you!
Love Phoebe xx


Ceri Anwen James said...

Schöne Fotos!

j_elias said...

thanks for putting the pictures up, can't believe you're having such nice weather and having such a grat time without us! Hope you bought your sisters great present, haha. And dads glad that you are spending yor 'emergency' money! Jodi and Luke slept over last night, but luke was stuck with me and dad, because girls went to party. Missing you loads
Lots of love

Martha is missing you, k,,,,,,r.,.dtxxcd..........rri,r.ierie.i.er.re.eri.er.er.er......ie.ier................... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
lots of love Martha

Phoebe Elias said...

hahahhaha! thanks marths <3
poor luke, hope he didn´t mind! See you all soon xxxx