
Ich habe ein Weingut besucht. Herr Siebert war sehr nett und interessant. ich habe Rotwein und Traubensaft gekauft und ich habe traubensaft getrunken. Es war sehr toll! Ich habe in der disco mit meine freunde getanzt und ich habe pizza gegessen. Ich fand die disco gut! Nach der disco haben wir Sphagettieis gegessen.Es war fantastisch!!

Aethon ni i'r Winllan heddiw ac wnaethon ni cwrdd a Mr.Siebert sef perchennog y Winllan. Roedd y tywydd yn braf iawn ac mi roedd hi'n diwrnod dda! Wnes i drio sudd grawnwyn ac roedd e'n flasus iawn! ar ol hynny wnes i brynu win coch ar gyfer fy mam a sudd grawnwyn i fi a fy mrawd! Yna, es i i'r disgo efo fy mhartner a fy ffrindiau! Cafon ni amser dda yn dawnsio a chafon ni pizza i fwyta.ar ol y disgo es i a Ffion gyda'n partneriaid ac fwyton ni Spaghettieis. Roedd e'n neis iawn.

Today we went to the vineyard to see how the grapes are turned into wine and grape juice. We met with Mr.Siebert and he gave us a tour of the vineyard and it was very interesting. I tried the grape juice and it was really nice so I bought some for my brother and I. I also bought wine for my mum. After the trip to the vineyard I went home with my partner and we watched a bit of a film and then got ready for te disco. The disco was good and we ate pizza and danced. After the disco we went with Ffion and her partner to get ice cream and we tried Spaghettieis for the first time! it was delicious!! Tomorrow we are going shopping and to the museum!!


Ceri Anwen James said...

Tolle Arbeit Priya!

Falch bo ti wedi joio'r Spaghettieis!

Natalie said...

Hi Priya - I hope you've recovered from the journey. Glad to see that as usual food is taking priority!!!!!
Hope you're having a lovely time and don't spend too much money shopping..........unless your spending it on me, of course. xxx

priyagupta_97 said...

hi mum! seriously? did you have to say that? I haven't spent much money but I spent some today. Did you get my e-mail? I think I sent it to the wrong address... xx