

Heute, Ich habe besucht Technikmuseum, ich finde Technikmuseum gut aber ziemlich langweilig.Ich bin bus gefahren.Ich habe Katy Perry gesungen mit James und Danielle,Es War sehr lustig.Ich habe in Manheim geshoppt.Ich habe t-shirt gekauft.Ich habe Mcdonalds gegessen,Er war sehr lecker!Ich werde einen film sehen mit vielen Leuten.Ich werde schwimmen morgen!
Laura !

Heddiw es i , i yr Technikmuseum roedd yn diddorol ond yn diflas , wnes i cerdded rownd efo Megan Morris a Amy , Roedd yn hwyl iawn,Wnes i creu papur fy hun , roedd hyn yn hwyl iawn.Wedyn aeth i , i Manheim roedd yn brysur ac doeddwn i ddim wedi cael digon o amswer i sipoa laawr , wnes i dod nol and rydw i mynd i cael barbeque efor teule wedyn mynd i wylio film efo rhai o ffrindiau

Today we went to the Technikmuseum it was very good but I found it a bit boring, we made our own papur and I found that really fun.I travlled by bus and we were singing and 'fortunatly' i had rhys singen amazingly as usual.We then went to Manheim and i baught some tops and they are very nice.Mrs James baught us all a ice cream and it was very nice.We went to Mcdonalds to eat!I am going to have a barbeque soon and then watch some films!
Laura x


sarah said...

Glad to hear you had another successful shopping trip! Hope you all have a good time at the BBQ. Speak to you soon love you loads Mum xxx

Ceri Anwen James said...

Thanks for your message Mrs Bryan! Glad someone's listening ...

Gute Arbeit, Laura!

Dad said...

I am glad you are having such a good time.
Do you have access to your email? What is your address?
