
Blog Rhian Bumford

Heute waren wir zu Manheim!
Manheim ist fantasisch, wir besuchten ein Museum, ich fand es ein bisschen langweilig.
Danach gingen wir einkaufen mit Ruby, Miriam und Paula das war sehr gut!
Heute Abend werden wir einen Grill Haben, es wird gut sein!

Heddiw aethom ni i amgueddfa yn Manheim, roedden hi eithaf ddiflas. Wnaethom ni creu papur ac dysgu sut oedd papur yn arfer cael eu greu cyn defnyddio coed!
Wedyn aethom ni i Manheim i siopa roedd hwnna yn wych cafodd ni McDonalds hefyd!
Heddiw wedi bod yn wych! Heno rdyn ni yn mynd i gael barbeciw, rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at hwnna!

Today we went to a museum in Manheim, it was a bit boring but it was ok. We made our own paper, they explained how to make it, we had to stir a bowl with water and old bits of cotton in and then we had to put a sort of siv in the water and raise it slowly. Then drain the water out of the paper and it has to dry. Then we went shopping in Manheim this was very good I had a lot of fun with Miram, Paula and Ruby!
Tonight we are having a BBQ that will be good!

bye for now Rhi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Chelsey said...

Cael hwyl Rhi:)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Rhian Bumford said...

diolch chels xxxx