
Today I went to a football tournament with Philip and me and Rhys Russel watched the football while Philip was playing for about 7 hours. We ate chips and cake and talked a lot. Then we went home and played on the ps3 for about 30 minuites and had lunch. This evening i think we might be going to a festival or going to visit one of Philip's friends.

Heddiw es i efo Philip i twrnament pel droed ac we wnaeth fi a Rhys Russel gwylio y gemau tra bod Philip yn chwarae am tua 7 awr. Gwnaethon ni bwyta chips a cacen a gwnaethon ni siarad llawer. Yna aethon ni gartref a mynd ar y ps3 am tua 30 muned ac yna gwnaethon ni cael cinio. Prynhawn yma rydw i'n credu bod ni'n mynd i festival neu mynd i gweld un o ffrindiau Philip.

Heute Ich ging fußball-turnier mit Philip. Ich spreche mit Rhys Russel und sehe fußball. Ich esse pommes und kuchen. Ich spiele ps3 mit Philip. Ich essen kesebröt yum mitta gessen.

1 comment:

Ceri Anwen James said...

Angen mwy o ofal gyda dy ferfau gorffennol, Finn. Defnyddia'r enghreifftiau yn y llyfryn i dy helpu di!
Mwynha yfory ...