
Heute war gut! Der schwimmband istsuper! Ich bin um 6 Uhr aufgestanden, dann habe ich mit Megan D, Charlie, Lydia und Megan M gefrühstückt. Schwimmband is sher groß! Ich bin sehr müde! Das wetter ist sonnig! :) Ich habe pommes gegessen, es war sehr lecker! Ich habe ice gegessen und ich habe cola getrunken. Ich muss shlafen!
Auf Wiedersehen!

Roedd heddiw'n diwrnod gret eto! Es i, Megan D, Chrlie, Lydia a Megan M gyda'n partneriaid i'r pwll nofio! Roedd y pwll yn enfawr! Ces i llawer o hwal yn mynd ar yr holl llithrenau! Aethon ni nofio yn y llyn hefyd! Mi wnes i tynnu llwyth o liniau! Dwi'n edrych ymlaen at fynd i pwll arall gyda oawb yfory! Dwi ddim eisiau dod gatref :(. Nos da!

Today was definatly one of the best so far! Me, Megan D, CHarlie, Lydia and Megan M went swimming! It was the biggest swimming area I've ever been to! We all went on the slides and aftrer lunch we went to the lake for a swim! I took loades of photos. I am looking forward to go to another pool tomorrow. The weather was great today! I don't want to come home! Good night.

Alys xxxx


andrewhumphreys945 said...

We're really pleased you are having a lovely time. Itsounds wonderful.It has rained here all day.We want you to come home as we are all missing you.Enjoy the rest of the trip.Now you can bang on about Germany instead of Majorca!!!

Dad,Mam,Beth a Wil

Ceri Anwen James said...

Sehr gut Alys! Joia yfory ...

Miss Rogers said...

Falch dy fod ti'n mwynhau, Alys - ond cofia ddod adre. Fyddai 9M ddim yr un peth hebddot ti!
Miss Rogers