
Ail dydd gyda'r theulu!

Heute, ich habe Cornflakes gegessen und Milch getrunken! Ich habe Uno gespielt. Ich bin nach Heidelberg mit dem Auto gefahren! Ich habe das Heidelberger Schloss besucht! Es war super! Ich habe Eis mit der Familie gegessen, Es war gut! Heidelberg ist besser als Mannheim!

Heddiw, yn y bore, bwytais i cornflakes ac yfais llaeth, roedd hwn yn neis i dechrau y dydd efo! ar ol gael ein brecwast, roedd fi a Lea yn chwarae uno(Eto!!) ar ol chwarae uno, bwytais ni sglodion ac cig mochyn, roedd hwn yn neis iawn oherwydd roedd e yn rhywbeth rydw i yn hoffi llawer! ar ol bwyta, oeddwn ni yn mynd i Heidelberg, Mae Heidelberg yn fel Mannheim ond yn well! Yn Heidelberg, aethon ni i castell efo Rhian ac Ruby, roedd y taith i Heidelberg yn neis heddiw achos mae'n dawel yna ac mae'n lle dda i ymlacio! Bwytais hufen ia, roedd ganddo i 3 flas gwahanol, Vanilla, Tropical, ac kiwi, roedd yr hufen ia yn neis iawn! ar ol ddod nol o Heidelberg, roeddwn ni yn ymlacio oherwydd roeddwn ni yn cerdded am 4 awr rownd Heidelberg. Doedd heddiw ddim llawn o pethau i gwneud, ond roedd e yn dda i gael dydd i ymlacio! Does ddim llawer i ysgrifennu amdano heddiw oherwydd doedd dim llawer o pethau gwahanol o beth rydyn ni wedi gwneud ac rydw i eisiau mynd i gwely nawr, felly, hwyl!

This morning I woke up at 8:35 after having a long day yesterday. After waking up, I decided what clothes I wanted to wear for today, and I also started to pack up all my stuff because tomorrow is the day that we are leaving Germany. Today was a day to just relax! After having a nice breakfast we played a few games of Uno! After a while we had our food, to start with, we had this really nice Asparagus soup as a starter, Then we had really nice chips and a Pork Steak, after that, we had some cake, but I didn't eat much cake because I was still full after the amayingly cooked Pork Steak! This food was so good because I ate so much and it was just amazing choice of food for today! After eating, we went to Heidelberg, It's a beautiful city, It was just like Mannheim, but alot more beautiful! We went to the Heidelberg Castle and we went there with Rhian, Ruby, their partners, and their partners parents! It was fun because everybody came together and we had so much fun as a big group walking around the castle, we had time to try speak german to the partners and make them laugh at our fail pronouncing skills, and also to get the chance to get along better. This was fun because we had the chance to do what we want! After a while, we decided to get some Ice cream, I had 3 scoops of flavours, I had Vanilla on top, Tropical was the second one, and lastly, it was Kiwi! The Ice cream is really good in Germany, better than in Wales. After eating our Ice creams, we headed in different directions, Lea's family and I went home whilst Rhian and Ruby's families went the other way, Lea's family and I went home, And we have been relaxing all day, It has been such a nice, warm day to do so too! I will now go because It's time for me to go to bed, Off to Speyer and going home on the bus tomorrow! Bye!



1 comment:

delyth.pendlebury said...

Sounds like you are having a fabulous time. Your blogs gave been really great. I like to hear what you are doing and I am so glad you are getting on with Leas family. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Hope you have a good night tonight and a very safe journey home. Love you millions xxxxxxxxx