
Guten Abend! Heute war gut! Zum Mittagessen habe ich "Spätzle" gegessen. Es war sehr lecker! Dann bin ich nach Bad Dürkheim gegangen und ich bin mit Martha, Priya und ihren partnern im schwimmbad geschwommen. Es war lustig und toll! Ich habe die Rutsche gemocht! Heute Nacht bin ich mit Rebecca zu Selin Haus gegangen und ich habe einen Film gesehen! Es war spaßig und prima! Guten Nacht!

Helo! Mae heddiw wedi fod yn dda! Am cinio ges i fwyd sy'n Almaeneg iawn o'r enw "Spätzle". Roedd e'n flasus iawn a roedd e'n y pryd o fwyd orau rwyf wedi cael yn ystod fy amser yn Grünstadt! Ar ol cinio aethom ni nofio yn Bad Dürkheim gyda Martha, Priya a'u partneriaid. Cawsont llawer o hwyl yna yn enwedig ar y sleid! Roedden ni gyd yn mynd lawr gyda'n gilydd a roedd e'n gyflym iawn! Roedd yna hefyd pwll ag dwr halenog ynddi a roedd hynny'n twym. Roeddwn yn hoffi hynny'n fawr iawn! Heno aethon ni i dy Selin sef partner Priya i wylio ffilm. Doeddwn i ddim yn hoff iawn o'r ffilm ond gaethom ni lawer o hwyl a roedd yn noson dda! N0s da!

Hello! For lunch we had a typical German dish called "Spätzle" which is made 0f potatoes in a cheese sauce. It was really nice and probably my favourite dish of the week! After lunch we mmet up with Martha, Priya and their partners and went swimming in Bad Dürkheim. It was very fun, especially the slide. We all went down the slide together and it was really fast and it was funny! Martha and Priya also loved the slide and we went on it loads of times. There was also a small pool with salt water which was warm so we spent some time in there, but for most of the time we went on the slide! This evening we went to Selin's house to watch a film. I didn't enjoy it very much and niether did Priya but we had a lot of fun and it was a good night! Good night!

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