

Ich bin nach Neuleiningen gegangen. Ich habe das schloss besucht und es war sehr toll. Danach sind wir nach Bad Dürkeim gegangen und ich habe das größte Weinfass in Deutschland gesehen. Es war interessant. Danach sind wir auf ein Burgfest gegangen. Ich habe Monopoly gespielt.Dann sind wie essen gegangen und ich habe "Schnitzel" gegessen.Es war sehr lecker. Dann sind wir zu Annika gegangen. Es war spaß und sehr lustig!!

Roedd diwrnod 4 yn yr Almaen yn hwyl iawn. Aethon ni i ymweld a chastell yn y bore ac roedd e'n ddiddorol iawn. Hefyd wnes i a Selin chwarae Badminton a Monopoly yn yr ardd am ychydig ac yna wnaethon ni cwrdd a Martha a'i pharner Annika a Ffion a'i phartner Rebecca i ymweld a Barel gwin fwyaf yn yr Almaen. Darllenais i am ei hanes ac roedd e'n ddiddorol iawn! Wedyn aethon ni i castell arall lle roedd gwyl gwin enfawr ac roedd hyn yn hwyl Es i, Selin, Martha ac Annika a'r deuluoedd i bwyty a ches i 'Schnitzel' i fwyta ac roedd e'n flasus iawn. Wedyn aethon ni i ty Annika a wnaethon ni canu a ddawnsio a chwarae gem fel 'charades'. Cafon ni amser ddoniol iawn!! Pan daethon ni adref roedd e'n hwyr iawn felly aethon ni syth i'r gwely.

We went to a Castle in the morning and it was very peaceful there and the view was amzing!! We then went back to the house and Selin and I played badminton and Monopoly in the garden. We then met up with Martha, Annika, Ffion and Rebecca and we went to Bad Dürkeim to see the largest wine barrel in Germany. After that we went to another castle where there was a wine festival so we had some lunch and then went with Selin's family and Annika's family to a restaurant where i tried 'Schnitzel' for the first time. It was delicious!! Then we went back to Annika's house and we talked and sang and danced all night. I think we were all a bit hyper and we had a rave and it was probably the best night I had in Germany. When we got back it was very late so we went straight to bed. Today we are going swimming and i think it will be very fun!


Natalie said...

Aha, been wondering where your posts were - thought you'd decided to leave home and stay in Germany with Selin!!!

Thank goodness for Martha & Ffion who have been frequently mentioning you in their blogs............????

Have a safe trip home and remember, when your on the coach tomorrow night, facing that long journey home, I'll be at the stadium singing & dancing along with Take That!!! xxx

priyagupta_97 said...

i'be been blogging everday mum!!! but i've been diog it in the morning on some days so maybe thats why you couldn't find them :D yi forgot you were going to see Take That!! have fun xx see you tomorrow!!

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