
Dydd Llun.

Gutan Tag.

Heute morgan habe ich Weingut Sieben.Ich mag grapes.Ich habe grapes getrunken mit Lia.Es war prima.Abenz ich bin bolling gemacht mit meinan feundens Nia,Bronwen.Es war fantasticsh.Ich finde Grünstadt wunderbar!

Heddiw fe wneathon mynd i weld syt mae gwin yn cael ei wneud.Roedd on wych.Gaethon ni trio typin bach o sydd granwyn.Wedyn dangosodd y dyn power point ar sut oedd y busnes Weingut Sieben wedi rhedeg yn ei deulu dros flynyddoedd.Ar ol cyraedd adref a cael cinio fe wnaethom ni (fi a Nora) mynd a cwrdd a'n ffrindiau i bowlio.Mae popeth yn mynd yn dda hyd yn hyn.A rwyn edrych ymlaen i siopa a disgo yfori.. Caru ti Dad X

Heyah Mum,
Im having a great time in Grünstadt. It's really busy so i didn't have enough time to wright last night.Today we went to see how wine was made and we got to taste some grape juice.It was very nice and sweet.After getting home and having lunch me and Nora went to meet her friends who have a friend from Wales and we went bowling.It was really fun.The keyboard here is deferent so sorry if there is a few letter's out of place. Can't wait to see you.
Love You Loads..

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

Dear Rhiannon,
Great to hear from you. We hope you are enjoying yourself and are using lots of German!!! How is the host family? We hope you got us lots of wine. Things are much quieter around here and your sister is enjoying being an only child at the moment. But don't worry I'm sure she'll be missing you real soon.Keep in touch and take Care, Lots of Love, Mom and Dad