
Guten Tag

Heute sind wir zu den Weinbergen gefahren. Ich hatte eine fantastische Zeit. Ich habe viele verschiedene Traubensorten probiert. Die Weinberge sind sehr groß. Am Nachmittag bin ich mit Pasqual und Tobias kegeln gegangen. Ich hatte eine wunderbare Zeit.

Heddiw fe es i i'r Vineyard yn Asselheim a cefais in amser arbennig yno. Roeddwn i wedi flasu wahanol fathau o granfwyd a gweld sut mae'r peiriant yn casgli'r grawnfwyd, roedd yn ddiddorol iawn. Ar ol hynnu fe eithom ni i ty perchenog y Vineyard a gwelsom ni power point amdano. Pan cyrheithais i nol i ty Pasqual cefais i fwyd sef selsig tatws a pees.Tia hanner awr yn gynharach eithom ni bowlio a cefais amser dda iawn oherwydd enillais i sydd ddim yn digwydd aml iawn.

Today I went to a Vineyard in Asselheim and I had a brilliant time.I had a chanse to try different typs of grapes and watched the machine colect the fruit. The machine was very big and was probably more than twice the size of myself. Later on we went to the owners house and watched a power point about the Vineyard and how mutch of a hard job it was run. When I arrived to the house we all had food and went bowling.The bowling was great but it took a long time to get there on the train.

Rhidian Mephan

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