
Dydd Iau.

Gutan Tag.

Ich habe reptilium besucht. Es war interessant. Es war warm. Ich war in Gruünstadt eingekauft mit meinen freundens. Es war prima.Ich habe pferd geritten mit Nora.Es was wunderbar.

Heddiw aethon ni i'r Reptilium.Roedd o'n gynnes iawn yno.Roeddwn i ofn llawer o'r anifeiliad yna am ei fod mor fawr.Roeddwn i wedi dysgu llawer o pethau newydd am yr holl fathau o reptiles.Yna a'r ol cyrraed adref es i i gwrdd a fy ffrindiau yn Grünstadt.Roedd o'n hwyl.Triodd Lia Spaghetti Ice.Es i reidio a'r ol a'r geffyl Nora.

Today in the morning we went to the Reptilium. It was very interesting but scary.I didn't want to touch some of the animals.It was also very hot.After me and my friends went to Grünstadt to shop.After ice cream (Lia tried spaghetti ice) we went home and me and nora went to ride her horse Ferry.It was a really good day and im sad to be leaving.

Nos da

Caru Chi Gyd..

X x X x

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