
  Heute war es sehr interessant.  Das Weingut sibert war sehr groß und prima.Mitags traffen wia sebastians freunde mit dem fahrad. Dann sind wir ein bischen herum gefahren. Es war spaßig und lustig. Dann habe ich mit der familie spagheti gegessen. Ich finde pasta lecker, es war fantastisch.

  Roedd heddiw yn diddorol iawn. Roedd y gwinllan yn fawr iawn ac arbennig. Yn y prynhawn fe wnes i cwrdd a ffrindiau Sebastian ac yna wnaethon ni reidio'r beiciau o gwmpas. Roedd yn hwylus ac yn ddoniol. Yna fe wnes i fwyta spageti gyda'r teulu. Rwy'n hoff iawn o pasta ac roedd yn ffantastig. 

  Today was very interesting. The wine yard was very big and great. In the afternoon I met with Sebastian's friends and we rode the bikes around. It was fun and funny. Then I ate spagheti with the family. I love pasta and it was fantastic. 

1 comment:

Chris Williams said...

It's good to know everyone arrived safe and well and the trip is going fine.
It has rained continually since about 3 this morning and an earthquake occurred in Nantyfyllon yesterday which measured 3 on the Richter scale and rattled some windows. It was reported on networked news but the reporter said it was near Port Talbot, thus avoiding an attempt at pronouncing Nantyfyllon!
Have fun,
love from Ioan's dad and mam