
Aysha Clarke :)

Today we went to the vineyard. We looked around at the grape plants and we listend to alot of information that the man was telling us. After we looked at the plants we went back to try some grape juice + we had to smell the different wines and we watched a presentation about the vineyard. We also had the chance to buy some wine and juice. Then we went home with our partners, me janina,emily,ashton, tessi,sandra,janina.w,charlotte + others went swimming it was alot of fun I enjoyed the day alot.

Heddiw fe aeth ni ir gwynllan. Edrychon ni ar y planhigion sydd yn creu y grawnwyn. Wnaeth ni cymrud mewn llawer o gwybodaeth am y gwynllan. Ar ol hynnu aeth ni i trio y sudd grawnwyn, roedd yn blasus iawn. Gwylion ni slide show am y wynllan + chafodd ni y siawns i ofyn cwestiynna + y siawns i brynu win. Ar ol hyn aethon ni nofio gyda ein partneriaid chefais i llawer o hwyl.

Heute haben wir nach ein Weinberg besucht. Es was sehr intetressant! Auch, wir haben Traubensaft getrunken, es was sehr gut!. Abend bin ich im Schwimmbad mit janina.h janina.w ashton,emily,dominique,amy,sandra,tessi und charlotte geschommen. Es war prima.

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