
Heute ich bin mit Anna Lena, Laura und familie Anna Lena Speyer gegangen. Es war wunderbar! Wir nach Dom besucht, das war sehr interessant! Der Dom war sehr groß und prima. Der Dom ist schön! Ich habe mit Anna Lena und Laura in dem Dom ein Foto gemacht. Weißwurst, das war interessant. Anna Lenas mutter hat gesagt das war sehr mutig. Wich nach Technikmuseum mit Anna Lena, Laura und familie Anna Lena gegangen. Das war sehr gut! Ich mag das Technikmuseum! Das Technikmuseum ist toll.

Heddi rydw i wedi mynd i'r Speyer efo Anna Lena, Laura a fam a dad Anna Lena. Roedden ni wedi gweld a'r eglwys gadeiriol. Roedd yr eglwys gadeiriol yn enfawr a prydferdd iawn! Roeddwn i'n hoff iawn o dysgu am yr hanes y eglwys gadeiriol. Roeddwn i, Anna Lena a Laura wedi cerdded o gwmpas y eglwys gadeiriol a tynnu lluniau. Mae gen i llawer o lluniau i dangos pawb garterf. Roedd Laura yn dangos i fi y fordd rownd yr eglwys gaderiol, roedd hi'n mor ddoniol. Mae gen i ffrind da mewn Laura a Anna Lena! Am cino rydw i wedi bwyta Wießwurst, hyn yn selsig gwyn sy'n dod o Baberia, roedd fam Anna Lena yn dweud roeddwn i'n dewr am trio fe. Roedd o'n nies ond doedd ganddo ddim blas iddo ond fe ces i mwstard blasus iawn. Efo y mwstard roedd y Wießwurst yn neis iawn. Wedyn ar ol mynd am dro hyr ni wedi fynd i'r Technkimuseum yn Speyer. Roedd y Techkimuseum yn gret! Roeddwn i'n hoff iawn o ymweld a'r holl ceir ac yr awyrennau, roeddwn i Anna Lena a Laura wedi cael hwyl ynna. Mae gen i ceiniog o'r amgueddfa o Laura fel anrheg i atgoffa fi o hi ac yr amser ni wedi cael efo ein gilydd. Byddwn i'n colli Anna Lena a Laura! Ni tri yn fel chwiorydd. :'( Mae'r wythnos wedi mynd yn gyflym iawn! Rydw i'n colli Callum Paget a Adam Stavrakis a fy teulu a fy ffrindiau i gyd yn nol yn Cymru! Callum a Adam yn enwedig.

Today Anna Lena, Laura, Anna Lena's parents and myelf went to Speyer, there we went to the Imperial Cathedral. The Cathedral is very big and very beautiful! I loved it there! It was as big as a castle! I really did enjoy walking around and learning the history of it with Laura. Laura was showing me around, Anna Lena was a bit tired becuase this was the morning and we're not morning people here (Anna Lena, Laura and myself!)! But it was amazing there. I took loads of pictures, I can't wait to show them to you guys back home in Wales. I've mentioned this before but I loved the history part of today! I love history and today was perfect! I'll show Miss Rowlands some of the pictures of the old Catherdral, if she'd be interessted in that?? For lunch we went to the beer garden and Laura had a typical German meal, as did Anna Lena's parents, Anna Lena had a pizza type thing, not too sure what it was? I had Wießwurst which is a white sausage that comes from Baberia. It was very bland but Anna Lena's dad told me to put some musterd on it which made it LUSH! Anna Lena's mum said I was very brave for trying it. Later on we went to the Technikmuseum. There we had lots of fun! Laura was really funny there. We learnt new things about cars nowdays and in the oldendays. We learnt about the planes that were flown in the both wars. I found that very interessting, like I said before I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to history! We saw massive planes! And some of them were just so big I couldn't take a full photo of them, so I have about ten different pictures of the same plane. I'm not looking forward to leaving, I've enjoyed every moment here and Anna Lena and Laura are like my family now. Laura is my long lost sister, so she thinks ;) well Anna Lena's dad is watching the football upstairs. Come on Germany!!! WOOP WOOP!!!! We're going to school tomorrow, that will be very interessting too!

See you guys very soon!
Hwyl am y tro!
Lily xx


Ceri Anwen James said...

Diwrnod da arall gyda'r teulu! Rwy mor falch eich bod chi gyd yn dod ymlaen mor dda.

Mae'r selsig gwyn yn dod o Bafaria (Bavaria yn Saesneg, neu Bayern yn Almaeneg) ac nid Baberia!

Sarah Greenslade said...

Darling Lily we are so very proud of you and have missed you so much, your blogs are brilliant, so funny and full of enthusiasm. Dont be too upset at leaving as we'll go back as a family as soon as we can! Nanny & Tiptom have been reading the blog and so has Dad. Mark's watching the football....no surprise there and is supporting Germany! Enjoy your time at school tomorrow!
Ti'n seren! Cofio diolch i pawb am yr profiad yma, Miss James, Miss Evans, Mr Mason a Mr Voyle a hefyd teulu Anna Lena.

Cariad mawr Mam a Mark

Lily Greenslade-Davey said...

O diolch Miss, a bydd hynna'n gwneud mwy o synwir! Sori doeddwn i ddim yn siwr am hynna.

Mum and Mark, I've missed you guys too. Thank you for the nice complements you have given me xxx
Byddwn i'n diolch fam Anna Lena oherwydd mae ei dad yn gwaith! Gweld chi yfori pobl bach! os ydych chi'n gweld Callmo the Elmo ywt ti'n gallu dwued i fo textio fi neu byddwn i'n mynd yn boncers!!!!!

Lily xx