

Mwynheiais i y Reptiliwm. Roedd dal neidr yn ofnus iawn oherwydd dechreuodd gwasgu fy braich. (Da iawn Dom efo'r neidr). Wedyn, am y tro cyntaf, chwareiais i volleyball efo ffrindiau Lukas. Ro'n e'n iawn, ond roeddwn i'n gwael iawn. Uchafbwynt y dydd, gan milltir, oedd y ice spagetti. Mmm, mm, mmm! Wunderbar!

I really enjoyed the reptilium today. I was frightened when i held the snake as it started to crush my wrist! Then, unexpectedly, i went to play volleyball with Lukas and his friends. Its was ok as i was awful (i couldn't even get it over the net). But the best thing, by a mile, was the ice spagetti. Wunderbar!!!!!!!

Ich liebe die Reptiliwn. Ich habe eine Schlange gehalten und die was wunderbar! Aussi habe ich volleyball mit freund Lukas ge speilt. Es war ok denn ich war nicht so gut. Aber, das bester ist die ice spaggeti denn ist sehr, sehr, sehr, sehr wunderbar!!!