
Hallo! Heute war fantastisch! Wir haben das reptilium besucht, es war spannend und faszinierend. Ich hatte die Chance schlangen zu halten. Also ich hatte die chance eine vogelspinne zu halten. Ich hasse Spinnen so dass ich sie nicht halten konnte! Ich finde das Reptilium sehr interessant! Helo! Roedd heddiw yn arbennig o dda ac aethom ni i'r reptilium! Roedd y reptilium yn gyffrous ac yn ddiddorol dros ben. Cefais i'r gyfle i dal neidr ac i esmwyth fathau wahanol o madfall. Cefais i'r gyfle hefyd i dal pry copyn enfawr, ond nad ydw i'n hoffi pry cop felly nad oeddwn wedi ei dal. Yna aethom ni at Eiswoog, lle prynon ni Hufen ia blasus a mynd am dro. Hefyd aethom ni ar cwch rhwyfo ar draws y llyn lle cymeron ni gyfleoedd wahanol i rhwyfo. Ar y cwch roedd fi, Jenny, brawd Jenny a ffrind brawd Jenny. Nid oedd oedolyn ar y cwch felly roedden ni bron a bwrw mewn i bethau wahanol, ond diolch i Jenny nad oedden ni wedi bwrw mewn i unrhywbeth! Roedd yn ddoniol. Heno rydyn ni'n mynd mas i bwyta, rydw i'n edrych ymlaen. Helo! Today was fantastic! Wie visited the Reptile centre, it was exciting and fascinating. I had the chance to hold a snake and to stroke different types of lizards. I also had the chance to hold a big spider, I wasn't sure if it was a tarantula. I hate spiders so I didn't hold it! Then we went to Eiswoog where we bought an ice cream and went for a walk. We also took a boat across the lake where wo took turns to row the boat. On the boat was me, Jenny, Jenny's brother and his friend. It was funny because we nearly bumped into a lot of things but thankfully we didn't! Tonight we are going out to eat, I am looking forward to it!

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