
Hello! Today we went to Heidelberg. It was very nice! We went to the castle which was very pretty. It was very informative. And after that we went to look around the shops, there were lots of them! I had lots of fun. Yesterday we went to the Reptilium in Landau, there was lots of interesting creatures there. After our partners finished school, we went to the ice cafe and we had Spagheti ice! It was very tasty!

Helo! Heddiw wnaethon ni fynd i Heidelberg. Roedd e'n hyfryd iawn! Aethon ni i'r gastell pert iawn. Roedd e'n addysgiadol iawn yna. Ar ol hynny, fe aethon ni i ymweld a'r siopau, roedd yna llawer ohonynt! Fe wnes i cael llawer o hwyl. Ddoe fe aethon ni i'r Reptilium yn Landau, roedd yna llawer o greuaduriaid diddorol yno. Wedyn ar ol i'n partneraid gorffen ysgol fe wnes i fynd i'r ice cafe gyda Sioned, Lucia, Maren, Anna ac Isabel ac fe wnaethon ni cael Spagheti Ice i fwyta! Roedd e'n blasus iawn!

Hallo! Heute waren wir im Heidelberger  Schloss , was sehr schön war . Es war sehr informativ.
Dannach waren wir in der schönen Altstadt in der es viele Geschäfte gab. Ich hatte viel spaß .
Gestern waren wir im Reptilium in Landau , indem es interessante Tiere gab.Als unsere Austauschpartner  von der  Schule zurück kamen , gingen wir in ein Eis-Café in dem wir Spagheti-Eis aßen . Es war sehr lecker !

1 comment:

Mum. said...

Glad you are having a good time and that you are alive and well. The concert tonight went well Caitlin did well and looked fab and only yawned once!!! Have fun xx