

Hallo! Heute bin ich mit André, Jacob, Tara und Nadja, in den Holiday Park gegangen. Es war super fantastisch! Die erste Fahrt gingen wir zum Donnerfluss. Es war lustig und nass! Die zweite Fahrt gingen wir zur Geisterbahn. Die war sehr Langweilig. Die dritte Fahrt gingen wir zur GeForce. Es war über cool und sehr schnell!Der Rest von dem Tag war auch sehr lustig und sehr toll. Dannach habe zum Abendessen Schnitzel gegessen. Ich bin sehr müde so ich muss bald schlafen gehen. Heute war es total spitze!



Heddiw wnes i, André, Jacob, Tara a Nadja mynd i parc mewn Hassloch. Roedd e'n hwylus iawn ac wnes i mwynhau fy hun llawer! Y reid cyntaf aethon ni arno oedd reid dwr o gwmpas y parc. Roedd y reid yn ddoniol iawn oherwydd wnaeth pawb cael ei gwlychu'n llwyr! Yna aethon ni ar trên ysbryd (?!). Roedd e'n eithaf diflas ac doedd neb wedi sgrechen! Ar ôl hynny, aethon ni ar GeForce, reid gorau yr Almaen! Roeddwn i'n eithaf nerfus ond es i arno fe pedwar gwaith! Roedd e'n ffantastig ac yn gloi iawn! Roedd gweddill y dydd yn ddoniol iawn. Am tê wnaethon ni cael Schnitzel. Roedd e'n flasus iawn! Rydw i wedi blino'n lan felly byddaf yn mynd i'r gwely cyn bo hir. Roedd heddiw'n gwych!



Hello! Today André, Jacob, Tara, Nadja and I went to a Holiday Park in Hassloch, about forty-five minutes from where I'm staying. It was very fun and I really enjoyed myself! The first ride we went on was a log flume. We got very wet but it was very funny! I happened to get drenched more than the rest, except for Jacob! After that we went on a ghost train. We were all expecting something very scary but it wasn't scary at all! No one screamed! The next ride we went on was GeForce, Germany's fastest ride. I was really nervous before going on it the first time, but after that I somehow managed to go on it three more times! The rest of the day continued to be funny and very amusing. For supper I ate Schnitzel. It was really nice! I'm shattered after today so I#m going to go to bed before too long. I've had a brilliant day!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Wil

Hope you've had a good return trip to Mannheim.

All is well here. Sion's been back to school today. Mum's on a school trip tomorrow.

Last night tonight?

Dad x