
Heute,bin ich in dim schwimmbad mit Dominique,Janina x2, Sandra, Aysha,Emily und Charlotte geschwommen.Es war sehr fantastisch.Dannach, sind Will und Wil ins schwimmbad gekommen.Ich habe pommes gegessen und cola getrunken.Die pommes waren ziemlich gut und ich liebe cola!Dannach, sind wir nach hausen gefahren.

Amy x

Bore yma wnes i o'r diwedd cael y e-bost gan Miss James!Wedyn tua 10:30 teithio'n ni lawr i'r pwll nofio yn Bad Dürkhein.Wnaethon ni cwrdd gyda Emily & Janina,Aysha & Janina a Charlotte & Sandra yna.Wnes i cael llawer o hwyl yn y pwll nofio yma a mae rhaid i mi dweud (a rwy'n siwr bydd y merched yn cytuno gyda fi!) roedd y pwll nofio yma yn well a roedd na'r pwll roedden ni ynddo ar dydd Gwener.Amser cinio tua wnes i bwyta sglodion gyda powdr paprika arno roedden nhw yn blasus iawn, gyda'r sglodion fe wnes i gael Cola i yfed.Rydw i yn caru Coke!
Dwi methu aros mynd siopa yn Mannheim eto yfory a gobeithio ryw'n mynd i brynu rhywbeth y tro yma!

Cariad mawr,
Amy x

This morning, I finally got the e-mail from Miss James about the blog!Then we went to the swimming pool in Bad Dürkhein.When we pulled up I saw that both Janina's were there with Emily and Aysha and aswell I saw Charlotte with Sandra.This swimming pool was better then the one we visited on Friday.This pool had two diving boards outside with freezing cold water and then inside was a really warm jacuzzi and a sort of warm pool then right at the back was a very very long slide!This slide was very cool considering we were allowed as many people go down at the same time and not get told off about it!Later on in the day, I ate chips with paprika powder on them, they tasted very nice because they had lots of flavour and to go with the chips I had a glass of coke.
Tomorrow is going to be very fun when we go shopping but then it will be sad because we have only one more day left in Grünstadt:( But I won't think about that but just enjoy the rest of my time here.

Lots of love,
Amy xx

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