
Montag :)xxxxxxx

Hallo, ich bin heute nach Mannheim gegangen. Es war wunderbar. Gekauft drei tops und eine Kette. Danach haben wir Pizza gegessen und es war Disco. Meine pizza war lecker. Die Disco war super, wir tantzen alle. Jetzt gehen wir schlafen.

Hello, heddiw aethon ni siopa yn Mannheim. Roedd e yn bendigedig. Prynais i tri top a un fwclys. Ar ol hyn aethon ni i fwyta pizza a wedyn aethon ni ir disco. Mwynheiais i fy pizza. Roedd y disgo yn super, dawnsion ni gyd. Rydyn ni nawr yn mynd ir gwely.

Hello, today i went shopping in Manheim. It was wonderful. I bought three tops and one necklace. Later we went to eat pizza and then we went to the disco. I enjoyed my pizza. The disco was super, we all danced. I am now going to sleep, goodnight .

Hwyl ,
Sashaa :)

1 comment:

Jan Thomas said...

So glad you are having a good time,always happiest when you're shopping! Can't wait to see you, love you loads mum x x x