
Zoe Kelland - tuesday and wednesday

Gestern, gelernt machen papier du museum, es war interessant,
dann eingekauft du Manheim, gekauft geshenken!
Am abends, ich gegessen a la pizza und getrunken cola in da pizzeria!
Es war köstlich, dann ich gegangen du schule am disco! Ich getanzt mit Eleri, Mair und Amy!
Es war fantastiche!

Hello, ddod aethom ni i amgueddfa Manheim, dysgon ni sut i creu papur allan o ffibr mewn ffordd hen fassiwn! Roedd e´n diddorol iawn ac roedd Saesneg y dyn oedd yn dangos i ni sut i´w creu yn ardderchog! Yn y prynhawn aethom ni i bron pob siop esgidiau yn Manheim yn edrych am esgidiau i Mair, roedd yn hwylus iawn ond yn gwneus i ni´n cysglyd cyn y disgo!
Nos da!

Hello! yesterday we went to this lovely museum in Manheim and we made paper the old fashioned way, it was really fun! Afterwards, we went shopping in Manheim and brought some gifts and things for the disco! We has some pizza at this lovely pizzeria and it was really fun being with everyone! After the pizza we went to the school disco and it was really good, they has their own pupils playing as a band there and we dances loads and done the YMCA and the conga around the room!
I think our partners where tired though and not used to satying up as late because they didn´t dance much!
Missing you all loads

Heute, besucht au hassloch!
Es war fantastiche! Ich gefahren GeForce dreimal, es war prima!
Ich kaufen photo!
Ich gesehen Miss Bedwyr, Miss James, Miss Thomas und Mr Jones in city-jet (raid kinder)
in hassloch, Es war lustig!

Heddiw aethom ni i Hassloch, roedd e mor hwylus, es i ac Eleri ar GeForce tair gwaith!
Bwytais i Mair, Eleri ac Amy donuts Americanaidd, Es war kostlich!
Roedd Saphia, Eleri ac Mair wedi mynd tu fewn i ty bwganod ond es i yna a rhedeg yn ol allan yn crio, roedd e mor ddychrynllud!
Hwyl Fawr am nawr!

Today we went to Hassloch!
The worlds best adventure park (according to me).
It was really fun there!
me and Eleri went on GeForce three times because it was so fun and the drop is so scary, but somehow Imanaged to do it!
We had lasagne for tea tonight and it was really nice, Meikes mum is a really good cook!
I´m having loads of fun!
See you soon!


Alison Kelland said...

hi Zoe, Sounds like you have been having a great time. You are braver than me, going on g force! Glad you are enjoying Miekes mums cooking, bet you wont want to come home! I hope you are practising your German this week, the cd s have arrived so we will start learning German too for Miekes stay in June. Be Good, love you x Mum and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Zoe, its aunty Liz again - sounds like you wont wanna come home!!! glad your having such a good time xx