
Yr wythnos / The week

Guten Abend! Ich habe einen angenehmen Aufenthalt gehabt. Ihr seid alle so nett gewesen. Ich werde immer gern an meinen Besuch in Grunstadt denken. Mit freundlichhen Grussen.

Cawsom amser gwych yn Grunstadt. Hedfanodd yr amser. Un eiliad roeddwn yn cyrraedd ar brynhawn heulog ar y Sul a'r eiliad nesaf roedd yn amser i ni lwyhto y bws gyda ein bagiau a'n anrhegion a gadael am Gymru.
Roedd dydd Llun yn ddiwrnod braf iawn ac roedd cerdded trwy gwinllan Mr Siebert yn fendigedig ar ddiwrnod mor braf. Mae'r croeso bob amser yn arbennig a Pretzels Mrs Siebert yn fendigedig i ddweud y lleiaf. Cafwyd cyfle i brofi sudd y grwnwin yn ogystal a blasu y gwahanol fathau o'r grawnwin mae Mr Siebert yn tyfu. Diwrnod arbennig.

Ar Fore Mawrth dihunais i swn glaw, ond fe gododd y tywydd a daeth yr haul allan mewn amser i ni fynd i siopa yn Mannheim - lwcus iawn i'r rhai hynny ohonom a wnaeth tipyn o siopa! Roedd yr amgueddfa yn y bore yn ddiddorol a cafodd y plant gyfle i wneud papur yn y ffordd draddodiadol. Pitsa a disgo oedd yn aros amdanom nos Fawrth. Cafwyd noson hyfryd a pawb yn stwffio Pitsa cyn mynd ati i ddawnsio y noson i ffwrdd.

Cyfle ddaeth ar ddydd Mercher i fynd i barc antur Hassloch. Roedd ychydig o niwl yn y bore - digon o niwl i ni fethu gweld top Ge-Force na'r Freefall Tower! Diolch byth daeth yr haul allan a bu'n bosibl i'r rhai dewr yn ein plith fynd ar Ge-Force a'r Freefall Tower. I ni fel staff roedd y Rapids a'r awyrennau bach yn ddigon.

Y reptiliwm oedd yn ein galw ar Fore Iau. Arhosom am ychydig yn nhref Landau (cyfle i mi gael Pretzel arall!) cyn ymlusgo(!) tuag at y reptilium. Mae'n amlwg bod gennym nifer o ddisgyblion mentrus ym Mro Morgannwg - roedd y rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn awyddus iawn i gyffwrdd a dal y gwahanol anifeiliaid.

Daeth Bore Gwener yn gyflym iawn. Cyfle i'r disgyblion brofi y system addysg yn yr Almaen cyn treulio pnawn olaf yng nghwmni y teulu. Fel arfer roedd y bwffe a ddarparwyd ar ein cyfer yn wych.
Roedd llawer o ddagrau wrth i ni adael Grunsdadt, ond, rhaid cofio bydd yr Almaenwyr nol yng Nghymru Mis Mehefin.
Amser gwych a gafwyd gan bawb ac edrychwn ymlaen nawr i gael yr Almaenwyr yma ym mis Mehefin.

Cofiwch blant i gadw mewn cysylltiad. Rydych wedi gwneud llawer o ffrindiau arbennig a byddai yn drist pe bai y cyswllt i ddiflannu.

Rhieni - roedd eich plant yn gredyd i chi ac i ni fel ysgol. Roedd yr ymddygiad yn wych a'r cwrteisi bob amser o'r safon uchaf.

We had a wonderful time in Grunsdadt. It was a pity that the week went so quickly. One minute we were walking in the vineyard and the next we were sitting on the bus ready to come back to Wales.

Monday was my favourite day. A chance to walk in the beautiful vineyard and see Grunstadt from all angles. Mr Siebert, as always, showed great hospitailty. We saw the machine that harvested the grapes and, my favourite part, we had a chance to taste the wonderful grape juice he produces and eat the Pretzels that Mrs Siebert makes for us. They are wonderful Pretzels Mrs Siebert!

The weather Tuesday morning was rather wet but by the time we started shopping in Mannheim it had dried up. Some of the children shopped until they dropped - a few new tops were bought for the disgo that evening. The Pizza was, as always, very tasty. The children then danced the night away in the disgo and even saw us staff dance to a few tunes.

Hassloch was the highlight for some. Ge-Force and the Freefall Tower was very busy on the wednesday - mostly due to the fact that some of our pupils went on the ride 5 or 6 times. We as teachers were not so keen to go on them and stayed on the smaller rides - the rapids and the little jets.

Thursday was reptilium day. Most of our pupils touched or held the various animals. For me, I was happy that they were behind glass walls!

Friday morning came very quickly. The pupils spent the morning with their partners in their lessons. The lessons finished at 11.10 due to the fact that their half term holidays were starting that day. I must say that the idea of finishing early on the last day of half term or term certainly appeals to me!
As usual, the buffet the parents had prepared was wonderful. Tears were shed as we said our goodbyes.

June seems far away but it will soon be here. Until then, keep up your e-mails.

Parents - your children were a credit to yourselves and to us as a school. They made the trip a successful one.

1 comment:

Ceri Anwen James said...

Sehr gut, Frau Bedwyr! Dein Deutsch ist fantastisch!