

Tîm YGBM yn Hassloch

Das Wetter war heute nicht so gut aber Hassloch war toll! Ich bin mit dem kleinen Zug und mit dem City-Jet gefahren. Das war genug für mich. Ich habe leckere Schoko-Erdbeeren gegessen. Ich habe Apfelschorle getrunken. Apfelschorle ist mein Lieblingsgetränk in Deutschland. Es existiert nicht in Wales, und das ist schade. In Hassloch sind einige Schüler G-Force sechs Mal gefahren … das ist gar nicht für mich! Morgen werden wir nach Landau fahren. Dort gibt es jede Menge Schlangen und Reptilien.

Diwrnod difyr arall … bydd adroddiadau’r disgyblion dipyn gwell na fy rhai i, gan mai hyd a lled fy mhrofiad o’r diwrnod oedd y trên bach a’r awyrennau sydd wedi eu bwriadu ar gyfer plant tua 7 mlwydd oed. Heb anghofio’r Donnerfluss a wnaeth ni staff i gyd yn hynod wlyb! Pawb i’w gweld yn hapus. Nadroedd a chrocodeils yfory …

Another great day … the pupils’ blogs will be far more effective than anything I write, because I only went on the little train and the aeroplanes which are probably meant for seven year olds. Oh, yes, and the Donnerfluss which made us staff members very wet! Everybody seems to be very happy. Snakes and crocodiles tomorrow …


Anonymous said...

Hi it's Saffia's mother - just wanted to check if there is any reason why Saffia has not posted anything on the blog? All the others seem to have posted at least twice and we're feeling a bit left out!!

Just wanted to make sure everythings ok...



Ceri Anwen James said...

There must be a computer problem at her home. I'm trying to keep tabs on them all, but am aware that some of them do not have internet access. I'll speak to Saffia's family and see if she can go to somewhere to work on her blog.
Anyway, she's fine, all smiles, and seems to be getting on with her partner really well.

Anonymous said...

Hello Just wondering why Ashton has not got a blog site and why hasn't he phoned his mum? miss you lots Ash, get in touch when you can. hope you are having a fab time we are all missing the noise. love you millions. mum,xxxxx

Ceri Anwen James said...

I have nagged Ashton every day. His standard answer is that the blog doesn't work. Short of going over there to check the computer there isn't much I can do, just take his word for it.
He was meant to have registered his e-mail address a week before we left (the letter I sent home to you, explaining the whole blog system) but when we left for Germany he still hadn't done so. Maybe that's the problem, that he still hasn't registered.
I've no idea why he hasn't phoned, but he's fine! See you on Saturday