
Tag 3

Hallo aus Deutschland!

Ich habe den Holiday Park in Hassloch besucht. Es war wunderbar und sehr aufregend. Ich bin ein Kettenkarussel, Donnerfluss, Piratenschiff, Geisterbahn gefahren. Es war total toll und spitze. Ich finde das Kettenkarussel total aufregend. Im Holiday Park gab es Ge force und Free fall.

Helo o yr Almaen,Fe es i ir Parc Antur heddi, roedd yn eithaf da ond oedd rhai or reidiau yn edrych yn ofnadwy! Aeth bron pawb ond i ar Ge force. Fe es i ar y reidiau dwr ac y rhai a oedd yn llai o faint. Am cinio ges i brechdanau salami ac digon o siocled i bwydo wlad bach. Yn y parc roedd Free fall (peth ofnadwy arall) aeth pawb arno ac roedd yn hwyl i tynnu lluniau ohonynt. Rwyf yn edrych ymlaen at fory llawer. Rwyf wir eisiau dal nadron mae'n swnio yn arbenig.

Hello from Germany, I don't seem to have been arrested but the door bell just rang so I'm going to hide!! Today i went to Hassloch and looked after a lot of bags while everybody rode some horrible thing called Ge-force! The pictures on my new camera load on to the computer really easily but the blog doesn't like me much. In Hassloch there was a Rubber ring ride down a rapid, it was very fun and we all got very wet. I'm having a ball here in Germany really looking forward to giving you your present (if the begging raises enough money). I will e-mail you the photos tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your bag handling skills have been put to good use. Also heard that you and David had a good time on the ghost train. Got your e-mail and photo and have reciprocated.