
Meg :)


Heute war toll! Erst, bin ich in SAP erena gefahren. Es war sehr intaressant und super. Dannach, habe ich mit Fern, Celyn, Beth und Angharad im Mannheim eingekauft. Es war FANTASTISCH! Dann, habe ich in der disgo Pizza gegessen und cola getrunken. Es war ok. Ich habe nichts getanzt. Ich can nichts tanzen. 



Heddiw, aethom ni i'r SAP arena. Roedd e'n diddorol iawn ac hefyd yn hwyl. Es i siopa yn Mannheim ar ol hynny, gda Fern, Celyn, Beth ac Angharad. Roedd e'n fantastig.. roeddwn i'n caru siopa am 4 awr! Wedyn, aethom ni nol i'r ysgol am Pizza a disgo. Roedd y bwyd yn ok ac wnes i yfed cola. Ar dechrau y disgo, roedd y cerddoriaeth yn gwael iawn. Wedyn, roedd e'n ok. Wnes i ddim dawnsio oherwydd dydw i ddim yn gallu dawnsio. Ond wnes i cael hwyl. 



I have to this fast because I am very tired and need to go to bed! 
Today, we visited the SAP arena. It was very interesting and really fun. After that, I went shopping in Mannheim with Fern, Celyn, Bethan and Angharad. We were allowed to shop for 4 hours and I was in HEAVEN! I loved it. I had a Starbucks drink.. Mango & Passionfruit! I had been waiting for a Starbucks for ages! Anyway.. we went back to the school where we had some pizza and a small disgo. The food was ok and I drunk coke :) The music at the start of the disgo was dreadfull but nearer the end it got a little better. I didnt dance because I simply cannot, but i had fun. 

See you soon mum...   and dad. 
Love you! xx

Byee x

1 comment:

LiaAnghrad said...

Hi my darling. I think you;ve gone to bed now but just thinking about you so thought I'D say hi!! Only one day to go then I can have a hug..

Glad you have had a good day. Did you buy Madeleine something nice?? Lots and hats of love from mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx