
hallo! Heute bin ich im Museum gewesen. es war sehr gut . Danach habe ich shopping in Mannheim gemacht. es war lustig.

helo! heddiw rydym wedi bod yn y "Mueseum" ddim yn gwybod y gair cymraeg. Roedd e'n dda iawn, wedyn aethon ni i Mannheim, roedd e'n ddoniol iawn.

hello! Today we went to a Mueseum and it was lots of fun . After that we went shopping in Mannheim it was very funny.

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

At last a new blog from you!!! have been checking out eberyone's blog you all seem to be having a fantastic time. Shame about the park but you seem to have made a good day out of changes made. Poor Mrs James she really has to be on her toes!!! I look forward to your next blog enjoy xxx